Ash: We stay in this pretty ritzy, colonial style hotel in the middle of the joint. It’s a good place, but I’m like a few of the boys who don’t like being hotel-bound. Me and Roey and Albert Proud found a good local Italian joint for a feed and had some pasta, but that was about the highlight.
Hey Ash. Is it an advantage for Hawthorn to be playing in the freezing cold in Tassie when we have to come down from beautiful warm Queensland? – Regina from Logan, Qld
Ash: It’s more of an advantage them playing there a lot more than us, so they get familiar with it. We’ve only been there once in 04 so that that helps them. It has been pretty cold in Brisbane and we’ve had some cold ones in Melbourne too, so I don’t think the weather is going to make any difference.
Hey Ash. Have you seen any good movies lately? – Digger from Geelong, Vic
Ash: I went and saw the new Batman movie and it is pretty good. Heath Ledger was good. I’ll back him for an Oscar, he deserves it.
Hey Ash. This isn’t a footy question but I like your column and thought I would ask anyway. Me and three mates are driving across the Nullabor (sic) in September to see a bit of WA. What are the three things we should see most? – Glen from South Melbourne, Vic
Ash: There is a lot to see over there, boys. First thing you should do is get down to the beaches. They’re the best going around. Make sure you get along to a Sunday session at the Cottesloe Hotel. I’ve always got that marked on my calendar for whenever I get back to Perth. There’s a few good wineries down in the south-west, and plenty of things to do and see down there. You can even make a day trip of it from Perth if you want. I could write a book on it for you boys but I’ll end up boring everyone else, so I’ll stop there.
Hello Ashley. I want you to give me six numbers and the supplementaries for Ozlotto this week. I always use Lions players numbers but I haven’t had any success lately and thought you might be my good luck (sic) charm? Anita from New Farm, Qld
Ash: I don’t think I’ll be any help to you at all Anita. Besides, I need my numbers to come up first. I always chuck up some numbers each week, but they’re never any good. I’m no help, so just get out there and do your best.