In summary
With the departure of Mitch Clark and season-long injury to Brent Staker, the Lions have continued to address their need for key position players. In Justin Clarke they have a tall defender and, at 200cm, Sam Michael also fits the bill. Coach Michael Voss is trying to stack his team with more midfielders, tough competitors and quality ball users from defence, which the rest of the selections have addressed. After the failed plunge on recycled players two years ago, this off-season has been all about youth for the Lions.

What the recruiter said
"All along we wanted to add a bit of height to our defensive half. We only had 10 players we were prepared to take so we were fairly well focussed on who we wanted and have gone as well as we could have hoped. We can see a spot for each of them and there's a real opportunity for them to develop their games to force their way onto that senior list." - Brisbane Lions' national talent manager Rob Kerr


Pick 4: Justin Clarke
Height: 195cm
Weight: 83kg
Kerr says: "Our South Australian scouts have had a look at him over the year and thought they saw some potential. He's got a bit of height about him and he's fairly quick for that size. He's fairly raw and a long-term investment but we thought we saw enough there to justify adding him to our group. A tall defender, he's good with his run and spread."

Pick 22: Stephen Wrigley
Height: 187cm
Weight: 83kg
Kerr says: "He's a remarkable story. A couple of years ago he was playing seconds football for Blackburn in Melbourne, then he moved to Queensland, joined Labrador, was second in their B&F in 2010 and won it this year. He's a clean ball handler, got very good kicking skills either side of his body, plays at half back and is a nice medium height. We think he can play defence or push up to a wing. He's 24 and it's just reward for some strong football at the state league level."

Pick 40: Jack Crisp
Height: 190cm
Weight: 83kg
Kerr says: "He's a competitor who played in the midfield for the Murray Bushrangers. He gets right in the mix at the stoppages and is a very willing tackler and competitor. One of the reasons he slipped through is his kicking can be a bit untidy at times, but the rookie draft is about working with kids who have got some areas they need to clean up and helping them. In Jack we have a very good competitor who will acquit himself very well."

Pick 57: Richard Newell
Height: 186cm
Weight: 82kg
Kerr says: "He's a NSW Scholarship holder who moved up last year and played in our NEAFL team. He's an elite runner who now holds the club record for the 3km time trial (9mins 21secs). He's a hard competitor who likes to get in first at the contest. He'll build his game through being a run-with player and if you want someone who is the prototype of the modern footballer in terms of being able to run, then Richard is your man."

Pick 96: Sam Michael
Height: 200cm
Weight: 93kg
Kerr says: "He's a Queenslander. Sam is 200cm and has probably struggled to find a position, but his football as an under-17 in 2010 was very good and earned himself a spot in the AIS squad. We've got a player who is 200cm and athletically very talented - he ran the 3km in 10-and-a-half minutes; we just need to find the best position for him."