Joel Patfull
Joel is going well. He’s back running and if it wasn’t for his broken hand he’d be in full training. He can do everything really except punch the footy. We’re just looking to get him to the end of the season in a good fit and healthy state so he can mentally and physically have a break in the rest phase of off-season. He is on track for a full pre-season.
Jared Polec
Jared had an arthroscope late last week which went well. He’d been having some issues with that knee while playing in the reserves over the last few weeks. We decided to get it cleaned up because it was limiting his movement capabilities. He’ll be back ready to start running at the start of pre-season
Jonathan Brown
Browny’s travelling well. He will join modified training this week and will be able to join in all drills, except those that involve contact to the face. It will be good to have him back amongst the group - his leadership and attitude are always good for the group.
Daniel Merrett
He’s also going well. He’s really on the same progression as Browny. He can now join in the modified drills, just with no contact. We expect that by the end of the season he’ll be fully recovered and ready to start his pre-season.
Xavier Clarke
Xavier’s recovering well from his foot surgery and progressing well in his rehab plan. He’s still in the boot for another 3 weeks so we’re taking it slowly and making sure that we give it time to heal.
Claye Beams
Beamsy’s back and running at 100% in terms of running intensity. So now we’re just building up his volume. He should have an uninterrupted off season and be back ready to go for pre-season.
Ryan Lester
Ryan is probably a week behind Claye in terms of progression, and he’s going really well. Again, he’ll be ready to go come pre-season.
Jesse O’Brien
Jesse is recovering well - he’s still in boot, allowing that stress fracture to heal.