There seems to be many former members of our Association who haven't responded to any correspondence from us in some time.

This could be due to a couple of reasons:

   1) Lack of interest in being part of our Association, or
   2) We don't have your updated address details

Regardless of whether it's the former or the latter, we would love to hear from you and welcome you back as part of the Past Players Association. We don't back bill and would love to have you back as part of our mailing list.

In the words of (or similar) to our great poet - 'the time so quickly passes and we are growing old'. Well, that applies to members of our Committee as well.

To ensure the longevity of our Association, we desperately need new blood.

The Association was formed in 1955 and a recent survey conducted from the Brisbane Lions' Melbourne office indicated that members realised the importance of such an Association. We have just conducted our Annual General Meeting, where members were re-elected unopposed. We would have been very pleased to have heard from any member interested in joining our Committee to ensure the longevity of our Association.

We are concerned about the future of our Association and would be pleased to hear from any interested member of members.

Kind Regards,

Ivan Smith
Fitzroy-Brisbane Lions Past Players & Officials Association