Having been ‘retired’ now for the past month, I can safely say that I’ve gotten through the range of emotions that are associated with it.

There was that initial sense of frustration with my body which was mixed with the obvious feelings of uncertainty. But then I finally came to the realisation that it was time.

What was most difficult was standing in front of my team-mates, guys who I’ve spent almost every waking moment with for the past ten years, and telling them that I was no longer going to be part of the team. It was a pretty emotional moment.

But not long afterwards, I got a huge sense of relief and excitement. I knew straight away that I had made the right decision and immediately started looking forward to the next stage of my life.

I imagine my good mate Luke Power is going through similar thoughts right now.

I admit his retirement announcement came as a bit of a surprise last Saturday night, but having spoken with him since, it seems he’d been wrestling with the decision for some time.

You’d be hard pressed to find a nicer bloke than Luke. Everyone that has ever had the pleasure of knowing him would agree that he is one of the most genuine and respectful people you could ever meet.

He always goes to extra lengths with charity work and with his interaction with fans, and has really set an example among our younger group. He certainly leaves some big shoes to fill.

I’m sure he’ll have no difficulty in settling into life after football because, let’s face it, he’ll pretty much be able to pick and choose whatever he likes. Whether it’s in business, coaching or media, he’ll continue to be a success.

Before I sign off for my last ever Den Diary, I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Lions fans for supporting me throughout my playing career. It really hit home to me how much I’m going to miss the cheers of the Gabba crowd when I did my lap of honour before the Adelaide game.

I’ve had an absolute ball and will always love this Club.
