2011 Lions debutant Josh Green answered questions from fans during a 30-minute live online chat at 1pm (Queensland time) on Thursday 15 December.

Please find below an edited transcript from what was said during the Q&A session.

CLICK HERE to view Josh Green's player profile

Josh Green: Hey everyone, Josh Green here, how is everyone?

Jackie: Hi Josh! How's training been? More importantly, how's it been filling the shoes of Lukey Power?

Josh Green: Training has been very solid but very enjoyable. It’s good to be wearing Lukey's number next year, very excited.

Max Power: How does it feel to not be the shortest in the team now?

Josh Green: It’s much better now that Dayne is here. I do hang around with him a lot to give me some confidence which is good.

Jackie: I heard from Dayne Zorko that you guys are best mates at the club now. How's he going? Been up to anything lately?

Josh Green: Yes Dayne and I are pretty good mates, yea he is training really well and has fit into the club nicely. No not a lot just training and playing a lot of golf.

emy: What’s your favourite band?

Josh Green: 360 is my favourite at the moment.

emy: Oh ok that’s pretty cool, please tell me that you are normal and have heard of The Wombats before.

Josh Green: Yes, I have heard of them, they are a pretty good band.

emy: Haha! That’s good then, I think you should casually hint to Dayne to listen to them. What’s your favourite movie?

Josh Green: Haha! Will do. ‘Stepbrothers’ is a funny movie. Will Farrell is a scream!

Jake: What’s your favourite song by The Wombats?

Josh Green: Techno Fan.

Sam: Hey Josh! What domestic chores do you like and not like to do?

Josh Green: Hey Sam, I don't mind vacuuming and the dishes but cleaning showers and toilets I don't like doing.

Emi: So you've recently joined Twitter, who else do you think would be a good addition to the Lions’ Twitter family?

Josh Green: Patty K, my new house-mate would be a good addition.

Peter Griffin: Hey Greeny, who is the best with the ladies around the club? How do you go with them?

Josh Green: Hey Peter, Stakes is the best with the ladies and I don't have time for the ladies with all my footy training!

Cleveland: What are your hobbies?

Josh Green: Golf, fishing and tennis. 

Jackie: Who's been tearing up the training track?

Josh Green: Daniel Rich, Ryan Harwood and Polks have all been going good.

Nicole: Hi Josh - do you have a nickname at the club?

Josh Green: Just Greeny!

Guest: Who will make the biggest impact on the team next year in your eyes?

Josh Green: I think all of us working together will make the biggest impact next year!

Clarky: Hey Josh, How has Mark Harvey settled in with his role at the club?

Josh Green: Really well, he seems to know what he is talking about and he has a good way of communicating with people.

Mike: Hi mate, how are all the injured players coming along? There were a lot of injuries last year!

Josh Green: Hey Mike, there is barely anyone in the rehab group which is a good sign for next year if we can keep everyone injury free.

Stan Marsh: Who’s the funniest in the team/prankster?

Josh Green: Hey Stan, Ace is pretty funny! Staker and Patty K are funny too.

Jackie: Any big pranks being played by the boys at the club this off-season?

Josh Green: Hey Jackie, yea I was a victim to one the other night!

poodle: What position do u look to be playing predominantly next season?

Josh Green: Hopefully in the midfield and forward

Tom: How are you finding the difference in the weather between Tassie and Brisbane?

Josh Green: A lot different, it's also good waking up in the morning, it's easier!

Craig: Hey Josh, are the boys all pumped about the new 2016 strategy? I'm certainly confident that the current group can do it!

Josh Green: Hey Craig, we are very excited about the new strategy and the future that lies ahead.

kylie: Hey Josh, just wondering which AFL player(s) you admired growing up?

Josh Green: Shane Crawford was my favourite also enjoy watching Ronnie Burns.

reece86: Where do you think you will fit in to the line-up? Would be good to see you and some of the other young guys get regular games.

Josh Green: Hey Reece, I would be happy to play anywhere and it would be nice to play a few games next year.

Tajh: When Browny retires who do you think will be the next captain??

Josh Green: Hey Tajh, there are a few boys in the lead that have the potential to fill that position.

Clarky: I am a Tassie boy so was just wondering, do you and all the other Tassie boys stick together a lot?

Josh Green: Yea, well there are only three of us left. We are dropping away quite rapidly!

Emi: I've been convinced to do a dream team this year, any early tips to help me beat my brother?

Josh Green: Umm the key is to picking really good rookies

Craig: How is Callum Bartlett going at training? Any chance we'll see him debut early next season? 

Josh Green:  He is going well, should start full training after Christmas and looking fit.

reece86: What would you like to improve in your game?

Josh Green: Fitness and defensive aspects of the game.

emy: Do you like Harry Potter?

Josh Green: Yes, love Harry Potter, Ron Weasley is my idol!!

Akhil: Hey Josh, who's your best mate at the club?

Josh Green: Got a few, Ace, Stakes, Patty K, Tinka...

Bella: Hi Josh, how big a role does your family play in life? Do you have a supportive one?

Josh Green: Yea they play a huge role, I have a really supportive one and I am very grateful for that. 

Alex: Josh does you fair complexion mean you have to take extra care in the sun, particularly at training?

Josh Green: Yes, I cover myself in sunscreen - rain, hail and shine!

Guest: Hey Josh, do you have any concerns over your FIFA career considering your behind 8-4 to Zorko?

Josh Green: Hey Dayne, What is it like being the smallest at the club?

kylie: Josh, what is your favourite food?

Josh Green: Favourite food would have to be cheesecake!

Jackie: Who do you most admire at the club?

Josh Green: Blacky

Barb B. Que: Hey Joshua, how are the young boys fitting in?

Josh Green: Very well, really good bunch of blokes and have bright futures ahead. 

Dyson: Compared to last year when you arrived how much fitter are you now

Josh Green: Yes a lot fitter, running new PB in my 3km's!

reece86: How has Ace been going this pre-season heard he has bulked up a bit same as Patty?

Josh Green: He is a lot fitter than he was. Things are looking good for next year. Get him in your Dream Team!

reece86: Did you ask for the #6 or did the club decide you were the best fit to don Lukey's number?

Josh Green: Lukey offered it to me and it is a huge honour to wear it. So I didn't think twice about it.

Omaid: Hey Josh, do you dye your hair red or it that its real colour?

Josh Green: Haha! I dye my hair red every month - I'm naturally blonde... 

Craig: How are you finding this preseason compared to last year? Did you do anything different to prepare for it this year?

Josh Green: It is a lot easier that I'm a bit fitter and understand drills and learning how to be professional with my body.

reece86: Have you taken any of the draftees under your wing?

Josh Green: Yes, Dayne Zorko, us midgets stick together!

Kenny: Who’s the best a FIFA? Bartlett?

Josh Green: Hey Kenny, yea Bartlett is up there, but the worst would have to be Mitch Golby!

reece86: How have the rookies settled in?

Josh Green: They have all settled in really nicely. I haven't met Jack Crisp yet, but apparently he is a very handy player.

Clarky: Do you follow the cricket at all Josh and if so who is your favourite player?

Josh Green: Yea, really getting around the Hobart Hurricanes and hopefully they win the Big Bash League. 

Thanks for coming along today guys, great to chat to you all, but I have to hit training now!

Don't forget to follow me on twitter @joshgreen_6

And have a great Christmas!