The extremely remorseful Sydney-sider, who holds a Victorian-based Lions Membership with AFL entry rights, has expressed her deep regret and embarrassment to the Club for her behaviour.
She has also:
- given the Lions a firm undertaking never to repeat her behaviour at any future AFL matches;
- promised to send Bulldogs skipper Brad Johnson a full apology letter;
- offered to make a donation to a charity organisation of the Bulldogs' choice; and
- agreed to accept whatever sanctions are handed down by the Lions in consultation with the AFL regarding her membership.
Brisbane Lions Chairman Tony Kelly and Chief Executive Michael Bowers have also written to the Western Bulldogs and Brad Johnson expressing their apology for the incident happening at the Lions' home ground on behalf of Club members and fans.
"We have spoken to the member in question and she is honestly mortified and extremely remorseful for what she has done," Lions Chief Executive Michael Bowers said.
"It seems that it was a 'spur of the moment' error in judgement that she really wants to put right today - especially with her full apology to Brad Johnson and the Bulldogs, and her offer of a donation."
"Saturday's behaviour was totally unacceptable at all Lions AFL matches and is not within any of the trademarks that our Club and its members stand for with the courtesy that we show our opposition."
"Let this be a strong reminder to all patrons attending Lions Gabba matches that we have zero tolerance for any objects being thrown onto the field at players - whether it is dangerous or not. We are a family friendly venue and a respectful Club and we refuse to let that reputation be compromised."