The difference between winning and losing on the biggest stage can often come down to whichever team makes the most of its opportunities.

At least, that’s one of the observations from Brisbane Lions Assistant Coach Adrian Fletcher, who has provided in-depth analysis for the AFL website throughout this year’s Finals Series.

Fletcher said the Lions could learn plenty from what has transpired so far this September.

“You have to take your chance,” told

“That’s where I can see our biggest improvements coming next year. You just can’t let teams get hold of you when that opportunity arises.”

“When a team kicks a goal against us, we can’t just let them go ahead and kick four in a row. If we can tighten that up, it will give us a better chance to win games.”

Fletcher also said that unlike this year’s Grand Finalists Hawthorn and Sydney, the current Lions’ side is still learning to play together with the Club experiencing some significant changes in personnel over recent years.

“At the moment our game plan is simplistic, and will remain that way until the group has played more football together,” Fletcher said.

“We’d like to kick the ball as well as Hawthorn, but we can’t just yet. So until then, we can’t play that same type of possession game.”

“Those teams [Sydney and Hawthorn] have a lot of guys who have played together and know their roles really well.”

“Our list at the present time is still developing that - so our game plan will be refined over time.”