Daniel Rich Live Chat transcript
Read what Daniel Rich had to say when he performed a 30 minute live chat on Wednesday.
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
Hi guys, Daniel rich here. fire away with your questions whenever you're ready.
11 : 01
Monique :
Hi Daniel!!! You were such an awesome rookie last year, do you find this puts more pressure on you this year?
11 : 02
anton :
Hi Richy,
11 : 02
Ty :
hey Daniel noticed you played a fair chunk of the game in the backline...do u think u will spend more time down there this year?
11 : 02
Meghan :
Hi Daniel. What's the feeling among the boys re toomorrow's game
11 : 02
anton :
Got some good waves on the g/coast this morn. just wondering what boards you ride and how often you get to surf during the season
11 : 03
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
thanks monique, really enjoyed last year, i put a fair bit of pressure on myself personally, so outside expectations dont bother me to much.
hi anton
hi ty, when aman and jed went down early lots of players had to shift around a bit. that meant i was in the backline more than usual.
11 : 04
brodie :
how do you think fevola will go against his old side
11 : 05
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
hi megan, the boys are really looking forward to tomorows game, its going to be a massive game and i hear the gabba is close to being sold out.
11 : 06
fantasy :
Hey Daniel big fan, was just wondering with all the movement over the off season how do you like the place now? Is there anyone in the football department you get on well with or anyone who has left the footy area that you miss, heard there was some cool stats guys
11 : 07
Monique :
And more on the change over of players this season, how is the team reacting? From an outsider point of view, it seems that Fev has the full teams support.
11 : 07
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
sounds good anton, i have a couple of boards, a little fish that i have been using lately as well as a joel parkinson model. i surf as much as i can during the year but its obviously quite hard with my football commitments.
fev is a very professional player, he handles outside pressure really well and can always focus on the task at hand, personally i hope he kicks a bag.
11 : 09
anton :
I can imagine its tough. Good luck for the season mate, hope you have a good year. cheers...
11 : 10
Matt :
hey dan. will jed be fit for tomorrow night? vossy rated him 50
a couple of days ago, just wondering if that's changed at all...
11 : 10
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
hi fantasy, there is about 17 new blokes at the club now, both the new coaching staff and players have fitted in really well amongst the club.
11 : 11
brodie :
do you think five days in between matches will be long enough for the boys to be at their best
11 : 12
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
the team is gelling really well, and we are 10
percent behind all the new boys.
cheers anton
hi matt, we wont know the team to a bit later this arvo, but i know that jed is doing everything he can to get up for the game.
11 : 14
Brissie Boys :
Hi Daniel, Who is going to replace Amon after he broke his thumb
11 : 14
fantasy :
It seems AFL has got pretty technical with those GPS things you guys wear now I also noticed the guy who did it last year has gone what happen to him?
11 : 14
Dom & Dan :
You've been here for a year now, how are you enjoying Brisbane as a place to live?
11 : 14
Monique :
Good luck with the season Richy and thanks for taking the time to chat. It's made my day as you are my favourite player! And I hope you're enjoying the Brisbane lifestyle... GO THE LIONS!!
11 : 15
Dom & Dan :
Also, how is Fev feeling about the game tomorrow
11 : 15
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
brodie, we have had a pretty light week at the club because of the short turn around. boys are feeling good and looking forward to the game.
11 : 17
Matt :
is it a good feeling as an inside midfielder knowing that you have the two best forwards in the comp to kick to - knowing you can hit long almost with the expectation that one of them will mark it?
11 : 17
brodie :
how do you thinnk the lions back wqill go against the blues small forwards
11 : 18
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
there are a few boys in the mix, guys like james polkinghorne, james hawksley, tom rockliff, albert pround, cheyne stiller, troy selwood all played really well in the reserves last week and will put there hand up for tomorow nights game. its a good problem for the coaches to have.
11 : 19
Meghan :
Best of luck to you and the boys for tomorrow and for the rest of the season. Keep up the great work. Take care!! xx
11 : 19
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
the gps units are great, it lets the coaching staff and strength and conditioning staff know how much the guys are running.
11 : 20
Brodie :
were do u think the lions will end up at the end of the season
11 : 21
fantasy :
Well good luck richy, from everyone in the UK hope you have a great season and don't surf too much
11 : 21
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
hi dom and dan, brisbane is a great place to live. pretty similar place to perth where i am from, great warm weather and laid back lifestyle.
11 : 22
dylan :
hey Daniel im just wondering how hard you have to train to become a footballer and how did you feel kicking that goal in the final against carlton
11 : 22
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
thanks monique, you have made my day as well. thanks for your support, enjoy the rest of your day.
11 : 22
Dom & Dan :
Is the Gabba a good ground to play at?
11 : 23
Sam Dickens :
hi Daniel I was just wondering how you kick the ball so far?
11 : 24
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
its great having two big targets up forward, particularly as a midfielder.
11 : 25
Sam Dickens :
hi Daniel is it good playing with fev
11 : 25
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
good question brodie, carltons small forwards were dangerous last week. we are confident that we have the defenders to match up well against them.
11 : 25
fantasy :
hey Daniel who is your favourite football staff memeber?
11 : 25
Dom & Dan :
Ok I have to go to English Extension now, but before I go, wave up to section 41 tomorrow night for me at the beginning of the game
11 : 25
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
hopefully first brodie
11 : 25
Dom & Dan :
good luck tomorrow
11 : 26
brodie :
hope you do finish first
11 : 26
Sam Dickens :
how do you think you will go tommorow Richy?
11 : 27
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
hi dylan, ive been playing footy since i was a little tacker, its alot of hard work and requires lots of training
11 : 27
dylan :
hey Daniel, how do you think will go tomorrow and hopefully the fev kicks a bag with browny
11 : 27
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
sorry guys only got a few minutes left
11 : 27
brodie :
hope the lions have a win tmorrow night and plays well for my dream team
11 : 28
dylan :
i train everyday but i want to be an afl player anyway thanks Daniel hopefully you have a good game tomorrow and me win cya
11 : 28
Daniel Morgan :
who will u be more liky to play on tomoro nite
11 : 28
Sam Dickens :
Daniel how do you think browny will go Tommorow?
11 : 28
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
hi sam, i dont really have a clue, lots of practice.
ill try my best dom and dan
11 : 29
Sam Dickens :
oh yeah cool is it good playing with fev Daniel?
11 : 29
jack :
whens the team getting announced richy
11 : 30
Daniel Morgan :
will be a good contest, but being a carlton supporter myself. i reckon jarred waite will start on brony?
11 : 30
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
really looking forward to tomorrows game, it would be great to see another win on the board.
11 : 30
Dylan :
the teams come out tonight jack
11 : 30
Daniel Morgan :
11 : 30
Dylan :
at 5 i think
11 : 31
Daniel :
A lot of hype around Dreamteam, seeing the numbers put up during the games, etc. Do players pay attention to these numbers at all?
11 : 31
Daniel Rich (Richy) :
sorry guys, i have to duck off to a meeting, was great talking to you all, hopefully you can get to the gabba tomorrow night and get behind the boys!
11 : 31
Ty :
team gets announced this afternoon and i reckon rich will get tagged by joseph... waite will play on brennan thornton on brown
11 : 32
blambient :
11 : 32
brodie :
ok good luck tmorrow nite
11 : 32
Ty :
thanks Daniel will be getting down to the game tomorrow woooo i seriously cant wait
11 : 32
Daniel :
Umm. ok cya rich you chick magnet
11 : 32
Sam Dickens :
good luck tommorow richy cya
11 : 32
Daniel Morgan :
Up the blues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 : 35
Lions Admin :
Thank you for participating in Lions Live Chat with Daniel Rich. Stay tuned to www.lions.com.au for details on next week's sessions.
Hope to see everyone at the match tomorrow night. The teams will be announced @ 4pm today (QLD time). Log on to www.lions.com.au for full details.