Please find below an edited transcript from what was said during the Q&A session
Andrew Raines: Hey guys, I am here ready for your questions. Looking forward to having a chat to everyone.
Matt: Hey Andrew, will you get the job on Gary Ablett this weeked?
Andrew Raines: Not too sure yet, as we haven't had our final team meeting will just have to wait and see.
Morgan: Hey Rainsey, just wondering how pumped up the boys are this weekend for QClash?
Andrew Raines: The boys are very excited for the QClash. It’s a great opportunity not only as players to be involved but all of the fans to come along and create a fantastic rivalry.
Matt: How far do you think the Lions can go this year?
Andrew Raines: It's only early days in the season. We need to start getting more consistency week-in week-out to worry about specific outcomes. We play each game to win and compete 100%, and that should be the focus along with developing a young team.
Sheryn and Roger: Hi Andrew, how did you pull up after your first game of the season last week?
Andrew Raines: Very good thank you. Perth is always a tough trip, but I really enjoy playing there on the big open ground. It was nice to get a game under the belt.
Guest: Do you feel any pressure playing footy following on in your father's footsteps?
Andrew Raines: My father was a great player, I like to think we have some similarities in our game but I think I have established my own name and just try to focus on what is important to me.
Marko: Who is the best player you have played on/against?
Andrew Raines: I have played on some genuine super stars of the game, ones that stand out to me are - Ablett, Riewoldt, Rucciuto and Goodes just to name a few.
Sheryn and Roger: Do you have any specific plans for life after football?
Andrew Raines: I'm currently studying at university doing a Bachelor of Business major in Property.
One Direction: Hi Andrew, do you like our music and are you coming to our concert?
Andrew Raines: Front Row tickets tonight
Jesse Kelly: Hi Andrew, it's Jesse. How are going? My footy starts this week. When are you coming to Melbourne? Hope to see you soon.
Andrew Raines: G’day Jesse, good to hear from you mate. Good luck this weekend for the footy, and I’ll see you in a few weeks when I'm down.
Tom: Hey Andrew, what kind of music are you into?
Andrew Raines: I love all types of music, more into Indie-Rock and Rock & Roll. Favourite bands of all time are - Rolling Stones, Beatles, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, RHCP and Oasis
Ginnifer: Wow - Bach of Business! That must keep you busy during the season.... Do you get special consideration at exam times if you can't make one due to a game?
Andrew Raines: I do, in fact. A lot of my exams always fall on a Saturday when I'm playing. The Uni takes this into consideration and usually let me take the exam at a later date when I can attend.
Harry: Why are you called suits?
Andrew Raines: I got ‘Suities’ sometimes back in the Richmond days when a few of us strutted around looking like we were carrying suitcases!!
Steph: Hey Rainesy - what was it like moving from a Melbourne based club to a Brisbane one?? Any major differences in the fans, club or media?
Andrew Raines: It's a fair bit of a difference. Melbourne is very intense with outside pressure, media coverage and pretty much fans everywhere you go. Brisbane is much more of a relaxed lifestyle and one I prefer much more due to the fact of being able to concentrate purely on football and lifestyle with no distractions or hype.
Jim: Good work on studying as well. I expect your racking up high distinctions at Uni? Good luck with the rest of the year mate
Andrew Raines: Thanks Jimmy Boy
Brenno: Out of all the players at the Club, who are you closest too?
Andrew Raines: I'm pretty close with most of the boys around my age - Maguire, Patfull, Buchanan, Merrett etc. They call us the ‘Coffee Crew’ as we are always spotted sipping coffee in our down time.
Sheryn and Roger: We know you enjoyed your off season trip to Spain - any plans for more travel at the end of this season?
Andrew Raines: Spain was fantastic. I highly recommend it, fell in love with Barcelona and my girlfriend loved the south of Spain. This year I plan to travel again, just not too sure of where. So many options…
Alvin: Hey Raines! Who is the scariest player in the Club?
Andrew Raines: Big Jon Brown - Ha ha.
Jerry: Award for best sledger at the Club goes to...?
Andrew Raines: Rockliff
Chris: Hey Rainsey! Who is the most annoying player at the Club and why?
Andrew Raines: Rockliff
Guest: Does having Browny on the park have an impact on everyone? Or just those around him?
Andrew Raines: Everyone, he is such a presence and something all the boys get a real buzz out of.
Jerry: Award for best supporting sledger goes to....?
Andrew Raines: A.Raines
Jess: What’s your favourite TV show?
Andrew Raines: Entourage was, and now I enjoy Modern Family
Guest: Thought you played well on Ablett last time before you were injured. He seemed frustrated. Does much study go into a tag?
Andrew Raines: Thanks, a lot of homework goes into the opposition - not only the tagged player. At the end of the day, it's a team effort and if we all do our study it gives us a great chance of knowing what we are up against and which way is best to combat the opposition.
Thanks Guys, was great to get a chance to speak to you all of you. Get down to the Gabba this weekend for QClash 3. Go Lions.
You can also CLICK HERE to view some of the recent live chat transcripts with Matt Maguire, Ben Hudson, Claye Beams, Ryan Lester, Josh Drummond, Jesse O'Brien, Simon Black, Matthew Leuenberger, Ash McGrath, Bryce Retzlaff, Aaron Cornelius, James Polkinghorne, Josh Green, Dayne Zorko and Brent Staker.