The authors range from young to old, happy to not-so-happy, pessimistic to optimistic and everything in-between…
Please note: Some items have been abridged for length purposes.
A very direct request
Dear Leigh Matthews. Hello. How are you? Can we please win the Premiership in 2007. I believe every word you said in today’s paper. I think we need a plan to use the field to kick goals just like the Brisbane Bullets. Do you reckon you could send me 2 x Lions caps, 2 x medium Lions T-shirts, 2 x Lions stickers, 2 x Lions scarves, 2 x Lions beanies, 2 x Lions tracksuits, 2 x Lions radios, 2 x Lions jackets, 2 x Lions drinking cups and 2 x Lions everything in the mail ASAP. Could I please borrow two of the Premiership Cups. Say hello to everyone for me. Thanks.
Our biggest U-turn
Dear Lions. Why don’t you learn how to play footy, always falling over, can’t kick golds (sic), you are just a joke. I want my money back. Utter disgrace. Phyllis. PS: I like the kind of boots you are wearing.
Love is in the air
My name is Rob and my girlfriend is Joanne. We have both been huge Lions fans for a long time now since moving to Brisbane. Last Sunday, I asked Joanne’s father for his approval to ask for Jo’s hand in marriage. He was very happy and gave me the ‘thumbs up’, so now my next step is for an extravagant way to ask and surprise Jo. As we are both such avid fans, I know Jo would be blown away if the Lions could somehow be involved in the marriage proposal process. Don’t get me wrong… Jo should be happy enough with me, but this could really help. Regards Rob.
A sad farewell
Dear Lions,
My name is Adam. I am a member and I am 11 years old. I have been so sad about Chris Scott’s and Chris Johnson’s retirement that I have made your slideshow to present on the big screen tomorrow night at the Gabba. If you have the Green Day song Time of Your Life - could you please play it with my presentation? Thank You.
Aiding and abetting
Dear Lions,
I was wondering whether you could give me the direct email address for the AFL's CEO Andrew Demetriou? They won’t give it to me for some reason… Regards, Darryl.
Spectator confession
Dear Lions,
We sit in the front seat at ground level in front of the cricketers ‘glass enclosure’ in the northern stand. At the Hawthorn game, the Brisbane Lions water boy kept running onto the field, standing in front of us until the bounce of the ball, and then walking backwards extremely slowly, still blocking our view. We did not see one centre bounce in the first half so I stole his stool so he had to move. Regards Yvonne.
Must keep Browny
Dear Lions,
Good morning. My son Aayden is a member and is 6 years old from Melbourne. He just wants to say that he would like to give Jonathan Brown his pocket money every fortnight if Jonathan stays with the Lions. Thank you for your time. Jenean
From the enemy
Dear Lions,
Here is my personal match report especially for you at half-time:
Poor handballing… by the Lions. Poor kicking… by the Lions. Poor goal pressure… by the Lions. Poor decision-making… by guess who? Yes that’s right - the Lions again! The Lions are lucky to be so close as the Bulldogs look far better. Regards Wally, Collingwood supporter.