Lions Trade Week recruit Dayne Zorko answered questions from fans during a 30-minute live online chat at 1:30pm (Queensland time) on Thursday 8 December.

Please find below an edited transcript from what was said during the Q&A session

CLICK HERE to view Dayne Zorko's player profile

Dayne Zorko: Hi guys, how is it all?

Lea: Hello, welcome to the club

Dayne Zorko: Hi Lea, thanks, great to be here!

Lea: How are you settling in?

Dayne Zorko: Very well thank you, really enjoying my time here

Emily: Hey Dayne! Welcome to the club mate! How are you finding pre season?

Dayne Zorko: Hey Emily! Pre-season is good, training is hard but I am really enjoying it.

Lea: Ok, give the goss.. who has taken you under their wing?

Dayne Zorko: Ummm probably Brent Staker the most. Josh Green, my fellow midget too.

Jackie: How has it been working with Browny and the boys in the forward line? What role are you expecting to play for the club next season?

Dayne Zorko: Hey Jackie, it's been really great working with Browny and the rest of the forward line. I would imagine I would be playing a defensive half forward role this coming season.

Jake: G'day Dayne, Welcome to the club mate! Which club did you follow before joining the Lions?

Dayne Zorko: Hey Jake! I previously followed St Kilda. Now i'm a die-hard Lions supporter!!!

Jackie: What are the biggest differences between the Lions' environment and the environment in the NEAFL?

Dayne Zorko: Probably just the professionalism, and just being around the guys pretty much 24/7 creates a really good culture.

Emily: Is there one player in particular you are most looking forward to playing with?

Dayne Zorko: Yes, that would be Simon Black!

Ian: Welcome to the Lions, mate. Looking forward to watching you and Toddy stalk the forward line. Is he still the fastest, or are you catching up to him?

Dayne Zorko: Hey Ian, Todd has still got me covered, hopefully I will catch him before the start of the season lol

Pat: What are the odds you'll get a start Round 1? Who's shaping up to be your competition for that coveted berth from the new recruits?

Dayne Zorko: Honestly wouldn't know Pat. It is a very competitive group so therefore everyone.

Jake: Who are you currently housing with?

Dayne Zorko: Jake, I am currently living with Ryan Lester and Bryce Retzlaff

Jackie: Which of your team mates do you admire the most?

Dayne Zorko: Um probably Brent Staker, because he won't be able to play the whole of next year but he is still so full of excitiment and positivity for the group.

Jake: Since you're housing with Lester, How is his foot going? All better?

Dayne Zorko: Yea, Lesters foot is good.

Lea: What your favourite type of food?

Dayne Zorko: I love takeaway, but recently my favourite would be Thai

Jackie: How do you see the Lions' prospects in 2012? Do you reckon we can play finals? :)

Dayne Zorko: We are confident that if we can stick to our team structures then anything is possible. :)

Matt: What’s it like being coached by the great Michael Voss

Dayne Zorko: Hi Matt, it is an amazing experience. :)

Kaz: Living with Rhino and The Retz, who's the better cook?

Dayne Zorko: Hey Kaz! Retz is best.

Mike: Hi Dayne. You had to wait a while for your crack at AFL - do you reckon there's any other blokes running around the NEAFL that could make it? Got any names for us?!

Dayne Zorko: Hi Mike, yea there are a few young kids running around, perhaps Kallen Geary and Andrew Boston...

Emy: so who were you with and how did you react when you found out you got drafted? :)

Dayne Zorko: I was in Bali on my Football trip, at 6.55 int he morning when my manager called me and told me the good news and I was with three of my closest mates who quickly ran to the fridge and grabbed some beers to celebrate!!

Jake: What type of music you into mate?

Dayne Zorko: Umm i like the stuff they play on the radio! And Rhianna

Matty: What's the hardest drill you've had to do at training so far?

Dayne Zorko: Probably 13x150m sprints :(

Jackie: What is it like and how do you feel getting up and training guys like Jonathan Brown and Simon Black everyday?

Dayne Zorko: It is a pretty cool experience and I learn so much off those two and cna't wait to play with them.

Lea: Which player did you admire growing up?

Dayne Zorko: Robert Harvey

Pat: How has Mark Harvey settled in?

Dayne Zorko: Really well Pat, seems like a lovely guy.

Matty: What other sports did you enjoy as a kid?

Dayne Zorko: I played indoor and outdoor cricket, volley ball, tennis, I love playing all sports.

Cam: How are Billy Longer and Yeo looking? Looks like the lions got some good players in the draft.

Dayne Zorko: Billy and Elliott are lovely young kids with a lot of talent.

Jackie: What is the biggest thing you have learnt since joining the Lions?

Dayne Zorko: Ummm just give everything 100% effort

Jake: Your last quarter effort against WA was phenomenal, Is that a highlight you look back on to motivate yourself in future en-devours? Never say die!

Dayne Zorko: Yea I guess so, never say die attitude is always a good attitude to have.

Kaz: When's your birthday?

Dayne Zorko: My birthday Kaz, is the 9th February

Matt: Are all the lions looking at coming down to the lions springwood anytime soon for a meet and greet

Dayne Zorko: Matt, I'm not too sure, but I'm sure it will be in the pipeline!

Jackie: Have you been the victim to any of the boys' pranks so far? if so, what and from who? :P

Dayne Zorko: Yup, Jessie O'Brien turned the cold water off on me and I burnt my back in the showers! Hahaha

Big daddy: Look forward to shouting your name from the stands. awesome last name.

Dayne Zorko: Thanks :)

Kaz: Do you have a nick name?

Dayne Zorko: Yes I have quite a few! Tinka, Zorks, Danny Zuko to name a few…

Pat: Where would you prefer to play if selected for Round 1?

Dayne Zorko: The forward line.. maybe..

Emy: who are you closest to at the club?

Dayne Zorko: Um probably Josh Green

Megan: Is your favourite movie Grease??? - have struggled to NOT call you danny zuko since you got drafted....

Dayne Zorko: Hahaha no, it's not my favourite movie but I do like it and yes you can call me Danny Zuko!

Jake: Any current players you feel you're similar to?

Dayne Zorko: Yea Brent Harvey

Moey: Who do you think u can learn the most off and also how is richy going with his preseason

Dayne Zorko: Probably feel I will learn the most off Toddy Banfield and Richy is absolutely flying!

Fanlion: Whats your favourite scary movie?

Dayne Zorko: Paranormal Activity.

Jackie: Which trait do you have that you believe is the most admirable and why?

Dayne Zorko: Um probably my tackling ability and pressure.

Thanks guys for chatting with me, really enjoyed it and can't wait to do it again!