Score Assists
Scoreboard impact isn't a measure of just goals and behinds, with a players' ability to assist in a score also recognised.
Overall, scoreboard impact is the measure of a player's total amount of points scored from goals and behinds plus points scored from score assists. Goal and goal assists are worth six points each in a players' scoreboard impact total, with behinds and behind assists each worth one point.
To be rewarded for a score assist a player has to deliver the ball to a teammate with an effective disposal with the possession immediately prior to the score - that can be via kick, handball, knock-on or effective hit-out.
This week, The Herald Sun rated Ryan Lester and Pearce Hanley in the top ten in terms of score assists, according to data provided by Champion Data.
Top ten for score assists
Daniel Wells (North) 9
Sam Day (Gold Coast) 9
Rory Sloane (Adelaide) 6
Ryan Lester (Brisbane) 6
Eddie Betts (Adelaide) 5
Lance Franklin (Sydney) 5
Mark Blicavs (Geelong) 5
Kieren Jack (Sydney) 5
Pearce Hanley (Brisbane) 5
Nick Malceski (Gold Coast) 5
*of player's who have played two matches this year.