Defender Joel Patfull answered questions from fans during a 30-minute live online chat at 2:30pm (AEST) on Wednesday 18 July 2012.

Please find below an edited transcript from what was said during the Q&A session.

Joel Patfull: Hey everybody, Joel here. Who’s got some questions?

Pritzy: hey joel big fan of the lions, bought myself a heritage guernsey last week. I miss seeing the lions playing finals and having wins at the gabba, how do you reckon the team will go next year and do you think you will stay at the lions for years to come???

Joel Patfull: Hey Pritzy, I think the team is in a really good position going forward. We’ve got some young guys playing good footy and they’ll only get better. I’ll be here as long as Vossy will have me

Anthony: hey joel, you have taken some big scalps in your career mate, who has been your toughest opponent?

Joel Patfull: Hey Anthony, my toughest opponent has definitely been ‘Buddy’ Franklin. Although Goodsey was pretty tough last week too.

Shaniqua: Hey Joely, have you been doing plenty of bicep curls to try and catch up to Goose and his sexy fat arms?

Joel Patfull: Hey Shaniqua, ‘Goose’ is the king of bicep curls, so don’t think I can catch up to him. We always find him in the gym doing a few extras

Jackson: Who was the head coach at Norwood when you were playing? and how do you look back on those days now that you've been in the AFL system for quite some time?

Joel Patfull: Hey Jackson, Dale Lewis was the head coach, but I also had some time under Gary Macintosh. I grew up supporting Norwood, so always loved playing there.

Liam: G'day Joel, I loved those heritage jerseys you guy's wore a couple of rounds back. Did the boys enjoy wearing them? Would you like to see the Lions wear them more? It seemed you guys found a new level of football when yu wore them. I personally preferred them to our current strip.

Joel Patfull: Hey Liam, all of the boys loved wearing the heritage jumpers the other week. Thought they looked awesome.

Jamo: Hey Joely! who's the biggest prankster at the club? are you generally a prankster or a prankee?

Joel Patfull: Hey Jamo, the biggest pranksters at the Club are definitely Rockliff and McGrath. Those two are always up to something around the Club.

Meg: Hey Joel! Who takes me most pride in their appearance at the club?

Joel Patfull: Hey Meg, without a doubt it would be Brent Staker. He is immaculately dressed every day.

Grimreepah: Hi Joel, does Big Sauce Merrett still get entry into the defender's club or have the back 6 disowned him now that he is down there bombing goals from 50?

Joel Patfull: Grimreepah, ‘Rog’ is on a temporary loan to the forward line so we still let him hang out with the back 6. I’m sure he’ll be back at some stage although he is doing a great job up there

Tess: Hey Joel! What's your favourite movie?

Joel Patfull: Hey Tess, my favourite movie would have to be ‘Old School’.

Brian: Hey Joel, what's your favourite food?

Joel Patfull: Hey Brian, favourite food is steak and veggies.

Jackson: Where's the best place to get a coffee in Brisbane?

Joel Patfull: Hey Jackson, the best coffee in Brisbane is definitely ‘Jamies’ in the Valley

Tom: G'day Joel, lovin your work down back mate. Who's your best mate at the lions

Joel Patfull: Hey Tom, I get along with a lot of the boys, but a few of my good mates are Merrett, Buchanan, Maguire and Redden to name a few.

Joel: Hey man! Sweet name. I hear you're a bit of a sly dog. What's your best line for picking up chicks? Other than "I'm a pro footballer"....

Joel Patfull: Hey Joel. Haha, not sure who you’ve been talking to, but I get all of my lines from big ‘Goose’ Maguire. He loves a cheesy line.

Andrea: Hey Joel, Ash often writes in his column that you're looking for love, is this true? How do we get in touch? ;)

Joel Patfull: Hey Andrea, it is true that I’m currently single and Ash loves talking about this. I’ll tell Ash to keep an eye out for you. Haha.

James: Hey mate it Polks here, are we still on for our coffee date this afternoon?

Joel Patfull: Hey James, think I’m catching up with Andrea first, but I’ll be there later…

Jesse: Hey joel, what's your fave restaurant? Looking for a good place to take a bird on a first date!

Joel Patfull: Hey Jesse, maybe go out for coffee first. Save the dinner for the second date.

Di: Super game last weekend Joel. If you weren't playing footy what would you be doing?

Joel Patfull: Hey Di, thanks. I would probably be travelling if I wasn’t playing. I love New York, so would hopefully be there.

Jennifer: Hey Joel, there is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't have your number in it.

Joel Patfull: Hey Jennifer, that’s a good line. I’ll have to remember that one.

OSHA: Whats ur favorite music?

Joel Patfull: Osha, I listen to a lot of different stuff. Triple J is my favourite radio station though, so anything on there is good for me.

Tamara: Were you arrested earlier? It's gotta be illegal to look that good.

Joel Patfull: Hey Tamara, hahaha. Thanks, that’s another good one.

Hey guys, thanks so much for chatting. Sorry I couldn’t get to all your questions but I’ve got a meeting to get to…and a coffee date, haha. GO LIONS!!!

You can also CLICK HERE to view some of the recent live chat transcripts with Ryan Harwood, Daniel Rich, Dayne Zorko, Billy Longer, Elliot Yeo, Mitch Golby, Jack Crisp Patrick Karnezis, Pearce Hanley, Jared Polec, Andrew Raines, and many more...