Brisbane Lions and Fitzroy reach settlement
The Brisbane Lions and Fitzroy Football Clubs have reached an amicable settlement in their legal proceedings today after mediation discussions between the two p
The two Clubs have agreed that the side-on Fitzroy style Lion symbolically represents the historic merger between the Bears and Fitzroy and the first 13 years of the Brisbane Lions competing in the AFL.
In recognition of this important fact, the Brisbane Lions will prominently feature the side-on Fitzroy style Lion alongside its current branding on the following items:
- Club stationery: letterhead, with compliments slips, business cards, fax headers, electronic correspondence etc for the next 14 years.
- Club publications: Season Guide, Season Review and Lions Tale magazines, Club Annual Reports and electronic Lions Online newsletters for the next 14 years.
- Membership and corporate sales marketing material for the next 14 years.
With the AFL's consent, the masthead at the top of the page of the official Brisbane Lions website (currently will also prominently include the side-on Lion logo for a period of seven years.
Both the Brisbane Lions and Fitzroy Football Clubs are pleased to reach this agreement and with the final terms of the settlement.
Since the 1996 merger, the Brisbane Lions have participated in the AFL competition. The Brisbane Lions' home, away and clash guernseys - or any future Club guernseys - have never been the subject of court proceedings and will not be changing.
The Brisbane Lions wish the Fitzroy Football Club all the best in the VAFA and commend them on their strong grassroots community ties.