Richard Newell’s that rare kind of guy you’d wholeheartedly encourage your sister to date.

He’s polite, genuine, and unpretentious, but blokey enough he’d wear straight leg instead of spray-on jeans and watch Gladiator over Gossip Girl.

The 19-year-old’s intelligent as well. He’s nearly finished the first year of a Bachelor of Business at Griffith University, and he’s a refreshingly articulate speaker.

Newell’s also a very good footballer.

The fresh-faced teen became the Lions’ inaugural listed NSW/ACT Scholarship player when he was snapped up with pick 57 at the 2011 Rookie Draft after an impressive debut NEAFL season.

Since being drafted, Newell’s form for the ladder-leading Lions Reserves has been unwaveringly consistent.

He’s regularly been named amongst the side’s best, bobbed up for crucial goals at clutch moments, and always runs himself into the ground in either a half-forward or tagging role.

The Sydney-raised Newell says as his frame has grown so has his on-field assurance.

“I think as I’ve put on weight my confidence has improved and it’s helped my footy,” explains Newell.

“When I first came to the Club straight after school I was very skinny. I’ve put on almost 15 kilograms since then; I’m about 83 now which is a good weight to be in for my sort of position; a half-forward and running midfielder type.”

While the self-effacing youngster describes himself merely as a ‘running type’, Lions Reserves coach Nathan Clarke is more accurate in dubbing Newell a ‘freak athlete.’

Newell’s a prodigiously talented middle distance runner who medalled at Nationals in the 800m and 1500m in late primary school, and this pre-season shattered Shaun Hart’s long-standing 3km time trial Club record.

Despite this, he’s too modest to term himself the Lions’ best runner, conceding only that he’s ‘up there with the best three or four guys.’

Newell does however acknowledge he’s very happy to be improving his times on the track even though he’s carrying extra bulk from the gym, and reckons a sub 9:00 3km could be on the cards in the future.

But ultimately his focus lies with pitting himself against others on the footy field, not against a stopwatch.

“Footy has been my absolute focus since I was about fifteen,” Newell says.

“I was able to split my time pretty evenly between athletics and footy when I was younger, but when all the rep stuff started happening I had to really choose between the two.

“It was an easy decision to put running in the background and try and do everything I could to play AFL.”

While he hasn’t cracked a game in the seniors yet, it’s not through a lack of effort.

Coach Clarke describes the 186cm rookie’s work ethic as ‘supreme’, and Newell knows his commitment has to be unwavering to make it in to the top flight.

“I try and work as hard as I can every opportunity I get,” Newell says.

“I actually enjoy training, which is a plus; my least favourite part of training is when it finishes!”

“I’m constantly trying to improve, particularly on my kicking and also being reactive during games. I’ve got to be switched on at all times; know where my man is and be able to read the play really well.”

“If I can polish up on those couple of elements I’m confident senior footy is achievable for me.”